
Things you need to know about Scholarships

Avoid Scholarship Scams   scholarships are a great way for international students to obtain financial aid that is, essentially free, as you would never need to pay a scholarship back. For this reason scholarships are very popular, and there are some companies/ individuals that will prey on students eagerness to obtain a scholarship to scam them out of money. The best way to guard yourself from a scholarship scam is to know what the main scams are and how they work. To protect yourself there are many things you can look out for that should send alarm bells ringing when looking for a scholarship. How to Spot a Scholarship Scam How to Protect Yourself From a Scam There are few rules you should follow when searching for scholarships that will help you avoid being scammed. At the end of the day, the best advice that anyone could give to find a legitimate scholarship is to use your time to search for a scholarship yoruself. Scholarships will not fall into your lap and there i

Trump news

Waiting for Kim It looks like President Trump is looking forward 👍 to meeting North Korean leader Kim Jong Un after the latter met the Chinese President in a meeting that seemed to have been a success. Trump's other concerns for the day included not repealing the second ammendment and opening an opoid memorial❗ *🐦 I am very pleased to welcome the opioid memorial to the President's Park in April. I encourage all to visit and remember those who we have lost to this deadly epidemic. We will keep fighting until we defeat the opioid crisis!* According to White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the memorial will have 22,000 pills carved with the faces of opioid overdose victims. The memorial will be open to the public from April 12-18. The memorial, which is a part of the National Safety Council's “Stop Everyday Killers” campaign, will also have a note next to the faces of the victims commemorating their lives. *🐦 THE SECOND AMENDMENT WILL NEVER BE REPEALED! A
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